If you want to know why most Biologists hold to an Evolutionary view of the world, it’s because the vast majority are only Evolutionists by default — i.e. they believe it, because it is the consensus, and they have never heard the actual arguments of Creationist Biologists for themselves. The only thing they have been exposed to are straw-man arguments that claim that Creationists deny that species change, and other such nonsense, that no Creation Biologist actually holds to.
In my experience, Biologists are people. Some are more open to hearing contrary ideas to the default “consensus” than others. Those who are most open to actually reading contrary views are those who are also the most likely to have their views change.
But even when they are world-class scientists, and even when they are one of the most highly respected experts in their field, when they come to hold a contrary view to the official dogma, they are therefore labelled as “fundies.”

This was my response recently to an Atheist who was questioning me on FaceBook. I have come to a point in my life where I no longer want to waste my time arguing with people who just want to “be right” and have no interest in learning the Truth. Jesus, in the Parable of The Sower did not teach us to waste time throwing all of our seed grain on hardened stone, and He commanded us not to throw our pearls before pigs.
That said, if people who are honest readers want to learn more about this topic, I am willing to write more on it. I can expand this piece as I go.